The FYI component is intended to highlight a related or alternative product to the customer. Should only be used once per page. Pairs well with a Product Mention.

<aside class="FYI ">
  <div class="FYI-intro">
    <div class="Grid">
      <div class="Grid-cell u-sizeFit u-spaceRight03 u-pullLeft06">
        <svg width="25" height="28" viewBox="0 0 25 28" class="Icon Icon--block u-textGrow1 u-textDarkGray">
          <path d="M12.5 1.6C5.6 1.6 0 7.2 0 14.1s5.6 12.5 12.5 12.5S25 21 25 14.1 19.4 1.6 12.5 1.6zm-1.9 5.6c0-.5.4-.8.8-.8h2.1c.5 0 . .5-.4.8-.8.8h-2c-.5 0-.8-.4-.8-.8V7.2zM16 20.9c0 .5-.4.8-.8.8h-3.1-.1-2.2c-.5 0-.8-.4-.8-.8v-1.5c0-.5.4-.8.8-.8h.9v-4.3h-.9c-.5 0-.8-.4-.8-.8V12c0-.5.4-.8.8-.8h3.8c.5 0 . 0 . 1.5z" />
      <div class="Grid-cell u-sizeFill">
        <p class="u-textShrink1">There is a version of this project with <b>some feature®</b>, which might be a better fit?</p>
  <div class="FYI-subject">
    <article class="ProductMention ProductMention--small ProductMention--reverse u-textShrink1">
      <div class="ProductMention-content">
        <h3 class="ProductMention-heading u-textGrow1">
      <a class="ProductMention-primaryAction " href="#">
        Default Product Name
        <p class="ProductMention-meta u-textDarkGray">
          Model #74158
      <img class="ProductMention-object" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII," alt="">

An FYI component may optionally include a "detail" section when more information is necessary.

<aside class="FYI FYI--withDetail">
  <div class="FYI-intro">
    <h2 class="u-textSize1 u-textWeightBold">There is a version of this project with some feature®</h2>
  <div class="FYI-subject">
    <article class="ProductMention ProductMention--reverse u-textShrink1">
      <div class="ProductMention-content">
        <h3 class="ProductMention-heading u-textGrow1">
      <a class="ProductMention-primaryAction " href="#">
        Default Product Name
        <p class="ProductMention-meta u-textDarkGray">
          Model #74769
        <div class="ProductMention-extra">
          (Rating, etc.)

      <img class="ProductMention-object" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII," alt="">
  <div class="FYI-detail">
    <p class="u-textShrink1 u-textDarkGray">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque efficitur neque nec eros porttitor, ut suscipit mauris aliquam.</p>
