Product Card

Pattern for showcasing a product summary, intended for use in listing pages.

Shifts its layout slightly starting at --sm-viewport, the ideal breakpoint for arranging this element side-by-side with padding.

<article class="ProductCard ">
        <a class="ProductCard-main" href="">
          <header class="ProductTitle ">
        <h4 class="ProductTitle-heading u-textWeightBold u-textSize2">
        <p class="ProductTitle-model u-textDarkGray">
          Model #32465
          <ul class="ProductTitle-flags">
                <img src="/images/icons/flags/us.svg" alt="US" class="Flag ProductTitle-flag" width="24" height="16">
                <img src="/images/icons/flags/ca.svg" alt="CA" class="Flag ProductTitle-flag" width="24" height="16">
          <div class="ProductCard-body">
            <img class="ProductCard-object " src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII," alt="">
            <div class="ProductCard-content ">
                  Cik gac gejinij ok ema vino regrukne ki forarat fo bapahnez ruved pivu zagzej zucizro hop nofe.
        <div class="ProductCard-actions">
              <a class="ProductCard-primaryAction" href="">
                <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="-9 -6 32 32" role="presentation" class="Icon">
        <polygon points="0,0 7,0 14,10 7,20 0,20 7,10"/>
              <p class="ProductCard-secondaryAction">
      <label class="Toggle u-flexInline u-flexAlignItemsCenter u-padEnds01 u-padLeft01 u-pullLeft01 u-pullEnds01">
        <input class="Toggle-state "
        <span class="Toggle-indicator u-spaceRight06" aria-hidden="true"></span>
        <span class="Toggle-text">              Compare

A simplified ProductCard pattern, that excludes the ProductCard-actions content and prevents the shifting of the card's layout as the viewport width changes, by use of a ProductCard-object--large modifier class. This allows for more visual emphasis on the ProductCard-object when less information is present and there is more empty space to utilize in the pattern - especially for small screens.

  • ProductCard-object--large: This modifier enforces consistent size of ProductCard-object content across all screen sizes.
<article class="ProductCard ">
        <a class="ProductCard-main" href="">
          <header class="ProductTitle ">
        <h4 class="ProductTitle-heading u-textWeightBold u-textSize2">
        <p class="ProductTitle-model u-textDarkGray">
          Model #37660
          <ul class="ProductTitle-flags">
                <img src="/images/icons/flags/us.svg" alt="US" class="Flag ProductTitle-flag" width="24" height="16">
                <img src="/images/icons/flags/ca.svg" alt="CA" class="Flag ProductTitle-flag" width="24" height="16">
          <div class="ProductCard-body">
            <img class="ProductCard-object ProductCard-object--large" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII," alt="">
            <div class="ProductCard-content u-spaceItems04">
                  Uwhi pu ro nuk nojepu igu vududem ga ra muoh ol sopaze ob hu.

Add the ProductCard--rounded modifier class to always use rounded corners. Useful for cards that will never be displayed full-bleed.

<article class="ProductCard ProductCard--rounded">
        <a class="ProductCard-main" href="">
          <header class="ProductTitle ">
        <h4 class="ProductTitle-heading u-textWeightBold u-textSize2">
        <p class="ProductTitle-model u-textDarkGray">
          Model #52546
          <ul class="ProductTitle-flags">
                <img src="/images/icons/flags/us.svg" alt="US" class="Flag ProductTitle-flag" width="24" height="16">
                <img src="/images/icons/flags/ca.svg" alt="CA" class="Flag ProductTitle-flag" width="24" height="16">
          <div class="ProductCard-body">
            <img class="ProductCard-object " src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII," alt="">
            <div class="ProductCard-content ">
                  Azi gandulzuz cuka zekkucu zot ripsa ewewubi golvagsec ci fuzzadi kiczeas cozdofde sifhesu.
        <div class="ProductCard-actions">
              <a class="ProductCard-primaryAction" href="">
                <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="-9 -6 32 32" role="presentation" class="Icon">
        <polygon points="0,0 7,0 14,10 7,20 0,20 7,10"/>
              <p class="ProductCard-secondaryAction">
      <label class="Toggle u-flexInline u-flexAlignItemsCenter u-padEnds01 u-padLeft01 u-pullLeft01 u-pullEnds01">
        <input class="Toggle-state "
        <span class="Toggle-indicator u-spaceRight06" aria-hidden="true"></span>
        <span class="Toggle-text">              Compare

By default the layout of the card changes from horizontal to vertical at the small breakpoint. We've added some modifier classes to adjust the breakpoint the layout shift changes.

  • ProductCard--mdVertical: Switch to vertical layout at medium breakpoint.
  • ProductCard--lgVertical: Switch to vertical layout at large breakpoint.
  • ProductCard--horizontal: Keep the horizontal layout at all breakpoints.
<article class="ProductCard ProductCard--lgVertical">
        <a class="ProductCard-main" href="">
          <header class="ProductTitle ">
        <h4 class="ProductTitle-heading u-textWeightBold u-textSize2">
        <p class="ProductTitle-model u-textDarkGray">
          Model #68969
          <ul class="ProductTitle-flags">
                <img src="/images/icons/flags/us.svg" alt="US" class="Flag ProductTitle-flag" width="24" height="16">
                <img src="/images/icons/flags/ca.svg" alt="CA" class="Flag ProductTitle-flag" width="24" height="16">
          <div class="ProductCard-body">
            <img class="ProductCard-object " src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII," alt="">
            <div class="ProductCard-content ">
                  If cajmeh bop cib zufli gok capo megzim fivilini buw far je zohnar guew.
        <div class="ProductCard-actions">
              <a class="ProductCard-primaryAction" href="">
                <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="-9 -6 32 32" role="presentation" class="Icon">
        <polygon points="0,0 7,0 14,10 7,20 0,20 7,10"/>
              <p class="ProductCard-secondaryAction">
      <label class="Toggle u-flexInline u-flexAlignItemsCenter u-padEnds01 u-padLeft01 u-pullLeft01 u-pullEnds01">
        <input class="Toggle-state "
        <span class="Toggle-indicator u-spaceRight06" aria-hidden="true"></span>
        <span class="Toggle-text">              Compare