Utility classes for creating columns. u-columns2
creates two columns, u-columns3
creates 3 columns.
Champion’s totally automatic solution provides security, convenience, health and safety — all things that every homeowner holds dear. Don’t put these things at risk during a power outage. Millions of individuals suffer from the effects of a power outage annually.
<div class="u-columns2">
Champion’s totally automatic solution provides security, convenience, health and safety — all things that every homeowner holds dear. Don’t put these things at risk during a power outage. Millions of individuals suffer from the effects of a power outage annually.
Utility classes for creating columns above a given breakpoint.
, u-md-columns2
and u-lg-columns2
, u-md-columns3
and u-lg-columns3
Champion’s totally automatic solution provides security, convenience, health and safety — all things that every homeowner holds dear. Don’t put these things at risk during a power outage. Millions of individuals suffer from the effects of a power outage annually.
<div class="u-md-columns3">
Champion’s totally automatic solution provides security, convenience, health and safety — all things that every homeowner holds dear. Don’t put these things at risk during a power outage. Millions of individuals suffer from the effects of a power outage annually.
Utility classes for avoiding column breaks when not desirable, for example within a list or paragraph.
will avoid breaks within the element with this class.u-breakInsideAvoidItems
will avoid breaks within children of elements with this class.Champion’s totally automatic solution provides security, convenience, health and safety — all things that every homeowner holds dear. Don’t put these things at risk during a power outage. Millions of individuals suffer from the effects of a power outage annually.
Champion’s totally automatic solution provides security, convenience, health and safety — all things that every homeowner holds dear. Don’t put these things at risk during a power outage. Millions of individuals suffer from the effects of a power outage annually.
Champion’s totally automatic solution provides security, convenience, health and safety — all things that every homeowner holds dear. Don’t put these things at risk during a power outage. Millions of individuals suffer from the effects of a power outage annually.
Champion’s totally automatic solution provides security, convenience, health and safety — all things that every homeowner holds dear. Don’t put these things at risk during a power outage. Millions of individuals suffer from the effects of a power outage annually.
Champion’s totally automatic solution provides security, convenience, health and safety — all things that every homeowner holds dear. Don’t put these things at risk during a power outage. Millions of individuals suffer from the effects of a power outage annually.
<div class="u-md-columns2 u-spaceItems">
<p class="u-breakInsideAvoid">
Champion’s totally automatic solution provides security, convenience, health and safety — all things that every homeowner holds dear. Don’t put these things at risk during a power outage. Millions of individuals suffer from the effects of a power outage annually.
<p class="u-breakInsideAvoid">
Champion’s totally automatic solution provides security, convenience, health and safety — all things that every homeowner holds dear. Don’t put these things at risk during a power outage. Millions of individuals suffer from the effects of a power outage annually.
<p class="u-breakInsideAvoid">
Champion’s totally automatic solution provides security, convenience, health and safety — all things that every homeowner holds dear. Don’t put these things at risk during a power outage. Millions of individuals suffer from the effects of a power outage annually.
<p class="u-breakInsideAvoid">
Champion’s totally automatic solution provides security, convenience, health and safety — all things that every homeowner holds dear. Don’t put these things at risk during a power outage. Millions of individuals suffer from the effects of a power outage annually.
<p class="u-breakInsideAvoid">
Champion’s totally automatic solution provides security, convenience, health and safety — all things that every homeowner holds dear. Don’t put these things at risk during a power outage. Millions of individuals suffer from the effects of a power outage annually.
<ul class="u-md-columns2 u-breakInsideAvoidItems u-spaceItems">
Cikfagu wego munud om polna zaewepug cir fufuvosi jiizsot ema fiwmirse etefapbu miralowo lus if fedjom to.
Welfefnu uvapoaw zah piwa ihicegac bod de ujoki cizgulej sohobugi rotkamfa nuzsomzab wublomkad ofili uwsiv dosot.
Du faghil dohasgek nake vekhewcih kusfi lane hanicse toca vi fomzi haragdut bin panapa.
Pejas izumatak af hacfa mofopra mu dij min koupi hus vuzherap bewfosa jasefa jedtoju detemi ehodi devpof.
Id muniw nozcito sawdu zer lov nu kid bijore nih goh vag abiim.
Aco puzov ojbihjid ve ilkowo afaasa lebgigu katvulo fi mipon mapcuc bine.
Matefsuv tuto goer cu socno nuikihig noizaj pudarcel ezoankod mowmezme ponhocu ipufobta owu johoj.
Ripa kuzmu lahboha gizmed rollog wumavozu ebbu uloto saavlaf adi pohmidsi orukaus mev sutuike sobhu.
Kik avfa cih giseje jir ihu kime jej mek na welsib nogig liwe hij zi.
Mi rav kuvugor ozi ruvihfi bos kileut mogozerer ancug raf gug zu oza cogvewros ret lirlibi.