
The foundation of our CSS layout utilities are sourced from SUIT CSS, including:

  • u-cf - Contain floats (micro clearfix).
  • u-nbfc - Create a new block formatting context.
  • u-nbfcAlt - Create a new block formatting context (alternative technique).
  • u-floatLeft - Float left.
  • u-floatRight - Float right.

We've also included responsive variations of the SUIT CSS float utilities:

  • u-sm-floatLeft - Float left starting at the "small" viewport.
  • u-sm-floatRight - Float right starting at the "small" viewport.
  • u-md-floatLeft - Float left starting at the "medium" viewport.
  • u-md-floatRight - Float right starting at the "medium" viewport.
  • u-lg-floatLeft - Float left starting at the "large" viewport.
  • u-lg-floatRight - Float right starting at the "large" viewport.