Feature Card

Based on the visual appearance of the ProductCard pattern but intended for showing secondary content callouts on the homepage.

Basic appearance includes tag, body content and call to action.

<a class="FeatureCard " href="">
        <div class="FeatureCard-main">
                Feature Card Title
            <p class="FeatureCard-tag">
              Feature Card Tag
          <div class="FeatureCard-body u-spaceEnds02 u-spaceItems02">
              <p class="u-textShrink1">
                Cezisi futoz ita do fohba mibluh le ula duzjuk viwewha hofat nubakse ko.
          <p class="FeatureCard-action">
            <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="-9 -6 32 32" class="Icon">
        <polygon points="0,0 7,0 14,10 7,20 0,20 7,10"/>

If the optional FeatureCard-figure element is included and it has a background-image specified inline, it will be shown "full-bleed" at a cinematic 2.4:1 aspect ratio or a vertical layout depending on the viewport.

<a class="FeatureCard " href="">
          <div class="FeatureCard-figure"
            style="background-image: url(/images/prototypes/tcs/generator-lifestyle.jpg);">
        <div class="FeatureCard-main">
                Feature Card Title
            <p class="FeatureCard-tag">
              Feature Card Tag
          <div class="FeatureCard-body u-spaceEnds02 u-spaceItems02">
              <p class="u-textShrink1">
                Za ilunlug uhoma wu buce mem sepife kefe fo kulwas diujaten vowtuzo.
          <p class="FeatureCard-action">
            <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="-9 -6 32 32" class="Icon">
        <polygon points="0,0 7,0 14,10 7,20 0,20 7,10"/>

You can include an <img> with a class of FeatureCard-object within the aforementioned FeatureCard-figure to center it within the figure area.

<a class="FeatureCard " href="">
          <div class="FeatureCard-figure"
              <img class="FeatureCard-object" src="/images/icons/badges/electric-start.svg" alt="">
        <div class="FeatureCard-main">
                Feature Card Title
            <p class="FeatureCard-tag">
              Feature Card Tag
          <div class="FeatureCard-body u-spaceEnds02 u-spaceItems02">
              <p class="u-textShrink1">
                Baw fun in dif narut piaga gitojgi po sagjeb kib orweh viasnok tajoken hutrufej suboipa jiv pu zori.
          <p class="FeatureCard-action">
            <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="-9 -6 32 32" class="Icon">
        <polygon points="0,0 7,0 14,10 7,20 0,20 7,10"/>